
MY                     PROGRAM FOR INDIVIDUALS










Leadership begins with self-reflection and - awareness before vision. The world's highest-performing leaders are aware of the gap between where they are to where they aspire to go. In this first session we will look at your current leadership reality and your aspirations. We will define the gaps to define what we want to work towards. You will:

  • Understand where you score in the LEADING BETTER leadership framework 
  • Immediately identify strong skills and what is working for you
  • Immediately identify opportunities for improvement and what you can do to begin to increase performance in those areas

You will finish this session with a new perspective on your strengths and weaknesses, and understand where to focus your efforts during the programme.



This first foundational session is all about taking an honest look hat you as a leader.  Specifically, you need to develop levels of clarity about who you are, what’s important to you, and how you want to lead. Specifically we will: 

  • Look at who you want to become as a leader and what you need to work on and overcome to achieve that next level.;
  • Take a close look at your leadership vision and where you need to level up to make that become a reality;
  • Discuss where you haven't addressed your weaknesses enough and where you are too stuck in your comfort zone to become the authentic leader you desire to be. 

 Develop a strong growth mindset to approach all challenges with confidence 



In this session we will discuss the 2nd Core Pillar of the LEADING BETTER Framework, Others. We will turn our focus away from you as an individual and focus on how you influence, move and activate others. In particular we will: 

  • How do you treat and lead others? How well do you challenge over-and under performers? How do you coach people? 
  • How do you encourage your team’s heart, soul, and passions consistently?
  • How do you deal with team dynamics? How do you create an entire social environment that is congruent with what you want to experience? 
  • How do you empower your entire team or group to survive and thrive without you?



In this session we will discuss the 3rd Core Pillar of the LEADING BETTER Framework, Your Mission. As a leader you need a mission, that others get invested in and excited about. But how do you communicate what you are after in a way others want to follow? 

In this session we will: 

  • Pin down the big difference you want to make; 
  • Clarify why you want others to join you, as well as
  • Work on crafting strategic messaging to consistently relay this message to your team and other important collaborators. 

 Develop a strong growth mindset to approach all challenges with confidence 
As a confident leader who is able to draw other in, you need to be very clear about who you are and what you want at this stage in your life / career. Seeking clarity helps High Performers keep engaged, growing and fulfilled over the long haul. That is why we dedicate an entire session to seeking clarity about you as an individual. We will dive deep into questions such as: 

  • Who are you? (What do you value? What are you strengths and weaknesses? And, where do you want to go?
  • Does you current success align with the progress and fulfillment you are after? DO you have challenging and unambiguous, stretch goals? 
  • Is what you are doing driving your passion? 
  • Where are you holding back out of fear?
  • Are you as excited, confident and joyful as you would like to be? 



 Develop a strong growth mindset to approach all challenges with confidence 
People support what they create. In this session we look at how you can shift to a leadership style that allows for maximum co-creation and involvement of your team.
If you want deep engagement, deep commitment, and absolute full heart all-in, then the team must be a part of creating what you’re asking them to support. The leaders who ask the most questions and enroll the most people to deeply engage on the most projects are those who win. We will dive deep into questions such as: 

  • How to create an environment of co-creation.  
  • How do encourage your staff to shape their roles and working experiences as well as the directions of their team. 




 Develop a strong growth mindset to approach all challenges with confidence 
In Session 7, we will dive deep into defining a compelling vision. You must be able to paint the picture. The future-mindedness that leaders have is staggering. You need that forward pull, that compass, that north star to lead your life and your team in alignment and congruency with yourself.  We have to SHIFT to being more intentional about our future again. Most of our vision might never happen, but a grand vision will keep you engaged and growing,

As a leader your vision will also determine wether your team and your contributors will feel compelled to support you on your journey to make that vision become a reality. 



 Develop a strong growth mindset to approach all challenges with confidence 
A majority of employees say their sense of purpose is mainly defined by the work they do. 

People who life their purpose at work are more resilient, more likely to stay, healthier. An additional benefit is given, when they feel the purpose of their organization aligns with theirs. Then engagement and loyalty sky-rocket.  However, most leaders don't give individual purpose of employees much thought. We will look at the following questions: 

  • How to shape a purpose - driven team culture;
  • How to engage with your team members to understand what their purpose is;
  • Tools to support purpose orientation at work. 



 Develop a strong growth mindset to approach all challenges with confidence 
In this session, we look at how to enlist other people to join and shape your cause as a leader. We will look at the following questions: 

  • How do you activate the team around you to come with you on that journey to bring your vision to life? 
  •  How do you enlist people to join and shape your cause. 
  • How do you instill a culture where you enlist people / your team by prompting them to shape the way forward. 



 Develop a strong growth mindset to approach all challenges with confidence 
If you’re going to be a great leader, you need to force yourself out of your comfort zone and embody a level of spirit and excellence (often more than you may want to).. 8/10 leaders / companies have ideas, a vision and values but do not embrace any of those in full integrity. This leads to distrust and disengagement.

You have to be willing to embody a cause and a message beyond your own strengths. You have to rise up to that challenge even if it is freaking you out. Don't just embody your values! Embody your future!!

In this session we are going to look at how. 



 Develop a strong growth mindset to approach all challenges with confidence 
Empowerment has 3 criteria: Training & Knowledge, Decision Making Authority and Autonomy. 

Empowerment begins with competency and knowledge. You can’t feel confident unless you are competent. You must inform, teach, train and mentor more than you think you need to as a leader. Are you doing it enough? 

Does your team have enough decision making authority to feel empowered? Because if they don't and you micro-manage as a leader,  they will leave you at one point. 

Do you allow your team to lead enough with autonomy? Do they feel safe to do so?



Evaluation is the things the majority of Leaders say they do worst in! 
There are 3 levels of evaluation and you as a leader need to be in coversation about these things with your team(members) constantly!  

  • Are your team members create the outputs of their job that matter on a timely basis with quality? 
  • Are your team members interacting with others in the team/organization well? What is their contribution to team dynamics? 
  • Are your team members supporting the team with making progress and optimizing operations, optimizing interactions, and growing as a unit? Are they contributing at a higher level or are they stagnating?  



 Develop a strong growth mindset to approach all challenges with confidence 



This is the MAGIC MOMENT. In this last Bonus Session, we are bringing it all together. We will review the main insights of the 12 session we had so far and will define a roadmap ahead for you and your new-found leadership aspirations. 

We will define commitments, set goals and deadlines and define who needs to co-create with you to support you the way you need it. 

Let's go on that journey together and see how your LEADING BETTER ROADMAP looks like. 

Who this
program is for 

Mid- to Senior- Level Professionals



Emerging / Upcoming Leaders

 Committed to implementing creative strategies and practices to increase the engagement of their teams.

Committed to developing their management skills and approaches to optimize their own and their team's performance.
Who want to make their organizations the most powerful place for their employees to learn, grow and contribute. 

Who want to up-level their career trajectory and master the foundations of impactful leadership skills.

This Programme is
for you, if ...

You believe that Command-and-Control as a Style of Leadership is no longer viable.
You want to become better at facilitating problem solving skills & autonomy across your team(s) & employees
You want to find your voice as a leader and want to take a critical look at your own leadership style, your strengths & weaknesses. 
You want to master the skills needed to influence, persuade, empower & mentor your team or employees more progressively. 
You want to reignite your passion as a visionary & inspirational leader, while also maintaining healthy boundaries and well-being practices. 
You believe that Command-and-Control as a Style of Leadership is no longer viable.
You want to become better at facilitating problem solving skills & autonomy across your team(s) & employees
You want to find your voice as a leader and want to take a critical look at your own leadership style, your strengths & weaknesses. 
You want to master the skills needed to influence, persuade, empower & mentor your team or employees more progressively. 
You want to reignite your passion as a visionary & inspirational leader, while also maintaining healthy boundaries and well-being practices. 

The goals of this Leadership programme 

To help you become a more effective change maker and leader in todays New Normal.

Explore how to motivate, mentor and coach people on your team, to get everyones buy-in and winning together as one unit.

Master how to effectively persuade others to buy into your mission and inspire others to step out of their comfort zones and take more brave, deliberate action. 

Re-align with your purpose and become a leader who leading from a place of heart, compassion and empowerment. 

Finally prioritize yourself and your own development, truly mastering your leadership and influence skills, while mastering energy.






My Mission within these 60-Minutes is to give you everything you need to make a significant SHIFT in your leadership style as soon as we jump off the call. Whatever your most pressing, specific challenge - I will make sure to leave you with tools and strategies that make a difference for you and your team, NOW.

The first step?

Jump on a Value Packed Strategy Call with me. 

But remember, you have to have the desire and drive to LEAD BETTER!   

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